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The plastic works reproduced are protected by copyright. His total output becomes prohibited or partial. Antonio Conejo does not take responsibility for the use for outsiders of these imagery.

This Web has been created by ANTONI CONEJO, with informative character and for his gratuitous utilization and personnel for the user, that they must respect so much the copyrights that he tries to obtain the Fudación, Privada Valor y Arte National AICOA's Arte like the ones belonging to another managing espa waves ( VEGAP ) or foreigners of copyright. access implicates this Web the knowledge and aceptthe following t's n rminos:

Fundación Privada Valor y Arte Logo AICOA VALART Fundación Privada Valor y Arte representante Nacional de AICOA
Escalera al cielo de Toni COnejo registro Valart AICOA

1. Data of ownership of the places Web. The domain names www.antoniconejo - - montse cantí .com - Antonio Conejo Vila's ownership and Montse Cantí Pijoan.

2. Limitations The users that they accede to this Web they are authorized in order to visualize all of the information and contentses thereof, thus as if to make unloadings or reproductions prevailed thereof at his terminals, provided that the elements reproduced be destined EXCLUSIVELY FOR the USER'S PERSONAL USE and do not be posteriorly assigned or transmitted to outsiders, neither move in in any connected servant direct or indirectly to Internet or to a local net so that access belong to those outsiders possible to the aforementioned information through distinct means of of one's own Web.

Antonio Conejo and Montse Cantí holds back the right to forbid or to impede access to any user that any fellow of contrary contents work into Web to the legal requirements or the morals and cooperating with an authorities in the responsible persons's identification that they work into the Web contained that they may suppose a violation of law.

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Any infracci n of Limitations of Use or of Intellectual Property Rights, Industrial or analogous duty, or of legality in use the runaways by the Antonio Conejo or intervening Montse Cantí would be able to be the exercise of legal actions that in each case they correspond .

4. Responsibility. Antonio Conejo or Montse Cantí only being responsible for the information contained in this Web that had been created by Antonio Conejo Galleries. Antonio Conejo galleries no responsibility for reports of any fellow does not assume that they may have included the users, neither for the reports contained in another Webs tried to obtain right along Antoni Conejo or Montse Cantí, to the ones that this Web may remit for midway of lace hipertext or lace links. The purpose of them lace he is links that appear in this Web exclusively informative, no supposing, in no case, a suggestion or invitation when user to visit the Webs of destination. In consequence, Antonio Conejo Galleries will not be, In no case, responsible of result that he be able to or attempt to obtain the user of Webs to the ones that he come over through the quoted lace links.

Antonio Conejo Galleries will not answer for damages that he may cause virus's existence or another elements that they may cause damages in the information-technology systems in the documents electr nicos or in user's card indexes of this place Web or of places third-party Web. In like manner, he will not answer for any interruption, error neither or I fail that he produce in the system as a consequence of an impairment of function of the net or of the servants connected the same one.

5. Concrete services. Antonio Conejo Galleries offers the users that to lend m in his Web determined services subdued to the thermes and conditions that in each case they indicate themselves in the Web. The users will have to read the conditions attentively that they apply themselves to each of those services, that in no case will exempt, except expressed manifestation against, of fulfillment of what's been said in show them Legal warnings.

6. Modifications. The contents of this Web and of show them warnings he will be able to be modified or updated by Antonio Conejo Galleries at any time and without need of previous ad.

7. Legislation and Jurisdiction. Show them Legal warnings they go by in each and every of his details Spanish Law, submitting expressly Antonio Conejo and the users to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunales of Barcelona city, renouncing any other jurisdiction that he may reciprocate them.

* Silgar association of artists's and crafts


© All rights reserved

Arte y derecho

© 2008 Antoni Conejo Montse Canti